Dancer / Choreographer
Metsäbaletti / Forest Ballet
They come from the year 2069 - from one of our possible futures. What will
happen between now and 2069? How will we look at art? Will man still be a
peculiar ape who will have ended up in the wrong climate zone - going about
his business in a manner so strange that it makes no sense to his other animal
Forest Ballet is a humorous and multi layered performance, which examines
the milestones of our near future from an artistic perspective. We get to see how
Coltsfoot and Huntsmen are surviving. The audience will get to experience
photosynthesis. They will taste the future!
Forest Ballet is about radical hope.
Concept and direction: Saku Koistinen
Choreography: working group
Dance: Laura Koistinen, Saku Koistinen and Satu Rinnetmäki
Scientific consultant: Antti Majava / BIOS Research Unit
Visualization: Vespa Laine
Sounds and music: Fern Orchestra (Laine) and working group
Production: Routa Company
Premiere: 4.7.2019 Pöllyvaara Kajaani
Forest Ballet is a site sensitive and ecological outdoor performance. Running time of the show is 1h 10min. Forest Ballet is available in both Finnish and English languages. Most of the text is delivered by an “Avatar”, an imagined character thorough video.
It is important that the production is rehearsed outdoors only. We use “plant instruments” to create the soundscape.
For Forest Ballet trailer: Click here.
Review / Kaleva (in Finnish) Click here
Programme Click here
Käsiohjelma: klikkaa tästä

Photo: Vespa Laine

Photo: Ia Samoil

Photo: Ia Samoil

Photo: Vespa Laine
“Forrest Ballet imagines possible futures from the aspect of sociology, society and accomplishments of the science” (Eeva Kauppinen, 31.7. Newspaper Kaleva)
“I strongly recommend to expand your thinking with this performance”
(audience comment / Linnanvirta Festival)
“Humor is both lightening and deepening the experience”
(audience comment / Ärjä Arts Festival)
“You can sense the wild joy of seeing something new. Based on facts!”
(Eeva Kauppinen, Newspaper Kaleva 31.7. 2019)
“Forest Ballet really went under my skin. The experience was very immersive”
(audience comment / Ärjä Arts Festival)
“It hit straight in to my heart.”
(audience comment / Linnanvirta Festival)